by Mary Pat Whaley | May 1, 2011 | Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources, Innovation, Learn This: Technology Answers
It is my pleasure to announce Manage My Practice’s first product in our new Manage My Practice Tools section – MMP FileConnect. MMP FileConnect is a simple and affordable way to: Increase efficiency in your practice by reducing workflow issues and...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Mar 29, 2011 | Human Resources, Physician Relations
I’ve been working with physicians for the past eight years on career diversification, satisfaction and mitigation of stress and burnout and can relate some common themes on why physicians are angry. Unrealistic expectations Many doctors enter medical school with...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Mar 10, 2011 | Day-to-Day Operations, Electronic Medical Records, Finance, Human Resources
Staffing your office can be a daily balancing act. There’s no simple formula that one can apply to every practice because each specialty and each situation requires something different. It is very important to right-size your staffing as understaffing can cause...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Mar 2, 2011 | Human Resources
Each new employee you hire must complete a Federal W-4 form (aka a Federal Tax Withholding form) so you can withhold federal income tax appropriately from the employee’s paycheck. Completing the W-4 can be very confusing for some employees, especially younger...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jan 23, 2011 | Human Resources
Many managers find it difficult to begin performance evaluations in a way that puts the employee at ease and opens the door to dialogue. Do you make small talk or start reading from whatever form you’re using? Do you preface the actual evaluation by setting the...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Dec 7, 2010 | Human Resources
Most managers know that an I-9 must be completed for each new employee, but how many know WHY the I-9 is a necessary part of bringing a new staffer on board? The I-9 was first required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 (now the Department of...