HIPAA & OSHA Annual Training

All medical practices are required to train new employees on HIPAA Privacy and OSHA within 30 days of hire, as well as providing all employees with annual HIPAA Privacy and OSHA training.

Manage My Practice makes remote training of new and existing employees easy and practical.

Our Program

> Initial HIPAA Privacy and OSHA Survey to identify areas to be brought into compliance

> Training program specialized to the practice’s needs

> Zoom training for all staff, physicians and other providers

> Training Record and Post-training Test (with answer key)

> Customized OSHA and HIPAA manuals

> Private YouTube Training Video for new staff onboarding, staff refreshers and annual training as long as HIPAA and OSHA rules do not change

Note: this program does not cover HIPAA Security rules or Risk Assessment.

Get in touch

Email: marypat@managemypractice.com
Phone: (919) 370 0504