Ryan White CARE Act

Image via Wikipedia The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act was enacted August 18, 1990 by the U.S. Congress. Ryan White was an Indiana teenager who contracted AIDS through a tainted hemophilia treatment and was expelled from school because of...

Acronyms – Texting, Email, etc.

Acronyms are abbreviations written as the initial letter or letters of words, and pronounced based on this abbreviation. (Many acronyms below courtesy of netlingo.com) AFAIC – As Far As I’m Concerned ASAP – As Soon As Possible BFF – Best...


A browser is a software program used to view and interact with Web pages.  Commonly used browsers are: IE – Internet Explorer (Microsoft) FF – Firefox (Mozilla) – free and open-source Chrome (Google) – free and open-source Safari (Apple) Opera...

QALY (Quality-Adjusted Life Year)

The quality-adjusted life year (QALY) is a measure of disease burden, including both the quality and the quantity of life lived. It is used in assessing the value for money of a medical intervention. The QALY model requires utility independent, risk neutral, and...