by Abraham Whaley | Jan 7, 2013 | Compliance, Day-to-Day Operations, Leadership, The Manager's Minute (Video)
With the first full workweek of the new year upon us, it’s a great time to take a look ahead at some of the big dates in 2013. For medical managers, this is the perfect time to look at key dates for the year. If you have a favorite wall or desk calendar (or just...
by Abraham Whaley | Jan 30, 2012 | 2.0 Tuesday, Electronic Medical Records
As managers, providers and employees, we always have to be looking ahead at how the technology on our horizon will affect how our organizations administer health care. In the spirit of looking forward to the future, we present “2.0 Tuesday”, a feature on...
by Abraham Whaley | Nov 8, 2011 | 2.0 Tuesday, Electronic Medical Records, Innovation, Social Media
At Manage My Practice, we have always been fascinated by the opportunities created when innovation and technical advancements are applied to the Healthcare system. The intersection of technology and medical practice has always been one of the most exciting spaces in...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Feb 22, 2011 | A Career in Practice Management
Ohio University: Degree offered: Master in Health Administration Sampling of classes offered: This two-year graduate degree is structured in eight “modules,” where a module is made up of two or so classes that cover a certain topic, like financial dimensions...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Aug 22, 2010 | Headlines, Medicare & Reimbursement
The Center for Healthcare Transformation may not be my organization of choice, but they’ve put together an excellent timeline of the PPAC (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), also called the ACA or Affordable Care Act. The timeline shows what’s...