by Mary Pat Whaley | Sep 16, 2013 | Amazing Customer Service, Electronic Medical Records, Innovation, Learn This: Technology Answers, Practice Marketing, Social Media
I am always excited when physicians design products for other physicians because they “get it.” Here’s the tale of a Midwest physician, Dr. Fred Church, who has developed a free app to communicate one-on-one with his patients via email or text....
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jun 3, 2012 | Electronic Medical Records, Medicare & Reimbursement
Did you know that CMS has its own YouTube channel? CMS has just posted YouTube videos of physicians discussing their experiences with EHRs and Meaningful Use. The videos were taken during the recent 2012 HIMSS (Healthcare Information Management and System Society)...
by Abraham Whaley | Jan 30, 2012 | 2.0 Tuesday, Electronic Medical Records
As managers, providers and employees, we always have to be looking ahead at how the technology on our horizon will affect how our organizations administer health care. In the spirit of looking forward to the future, we present “2.0 Tuesday”, a feature on...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jan 22, 2012 | Medicare & Reimbursement, Medicare This Week
e-RX: Medicare e-prescribing hardship exemptions under review (jump to story) EFT: suppliers and providers who are not currently receiving Medicare EFT payments are required to submit the CMS-588 EFT form (jump to story) SNFs: Allowing Physician...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Dec 14, 2011 | Compliance, Electronic Medical Records, General
Mary Pat: Where does the name of your company, Lutrum, come from? Ed Garay: When I was developing a name for this company, I didn’t want to be like every other healthcare IT services company with health, md, medical, etc. as part of their name. I wanted it to...