Physicians Have Something to Celebrate as the Medicare Cut is Delayed One Year and Physicians Are Exempt From the Red Flags Rules

Two milestone Acts were approved by Congress this week and both will be presented to President Obama for his signature shortly.

President Barack Obama's signature on the heal...

Image via Wikipedia

What he will be signing:

  1. The “Medicare and Medicaid Extenders Act of 2010” This legislation freezes Medicare physician payments at current rates  through the end of 2011. The Act also includes funds for Medicare contractors to pay claims for physician services affected by provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed last spring. The bill, estimated to cost $19.3 billion over 10 years, will be paid for by changing a provision of the health reform act that provides tax credits for people who buy coverage.  President Obama released a statement saying:  “It’s time for a permanent solution that seniors and their doctors can depend on and I look forward to working with Congress to address this matter once and for all in the coming year.
  2. Red Flag Program Clarification Act of 2010”  changes the Red Flags Rule’s definition of “creditor” and relieves doctors from complying with the Federal Trade Commission’s identity theft prevention law.

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