What a wonderful, crazy time this is, both in healthcare and in my life. I can hardy keep up with either!
First, some changes to my website/blog. I’ve added a few new pages to house special resources, but I don’t have them connected to RSS or email yet, so for the time being readers will need to check out these pages on the bar at the top of the page to see what’s new:
- The Library will house links and documents. Right now it houses links, but documents are coming soon. If you have documents you’d like to share, or some you’d like to see posted on this page let me know.
- Dictionary (will be available soon) is a collection of definitions of words used on this site and is a quick reference for readers. It works two ways. You can go to the page to look up a word alphabetically, and my wonderful tech guy has set it up so the definition of any word in the Lexicon shows up any time you roll over the word anywhere on the blog.
- Down the road I plan to…well, why ruin the surprise – stay tuned!
Second, yesterday my husband and I embarked on a cross-country trip from Seattle to Raleigh. We are relocating back to North Carolina as I continue my job search. If you’d like to hear about our travels, click on the last new page, Road Trip.
And third, Manage My Practice.com is closing in one year of blogging, 100 posts, more than 100 subscribers via email and RSS, and close to 100 visitors daily. I sincerely thank each of you for taking the time to visit my blog.