by Mary Pat Whaley | Apr 23, 2018 | A Career in Practice Management, General, Leadership, Starting a New Practice
A question I recently answered on Quora was: How would you go about asking a business professional that you admire, for advice on starting up a business? My answer could just as easily apply to asking someone to mentor you. Here’s what I said: Asking someone for...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Feb 24, 2016 | A Career in Practice Management, Human Resources, Leadership, Quality
Daniel Pink recently published a list of 10 books every new manager should read. I’d like to spin his list into my own 10 books that I recommend for all new healthcare managers. Dan’s pick #1: ‘Drive’ by Daniel H. Pink I agree with his...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jul 20, 2015 | Human Resources, Leadership, Manage My Practice Classics
This continues to be one of our top ranking posts of all time. This tells me that people continue to struggle with the process of evaluating employee performance. The point of the “Five Questions” evaluation is not to focus on the fact that the employee is...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Sep 10, 2013 | Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources, Leadership
As we pass Labor Day I find myself thinking about the transition from summer to fall, even though the fall season doesn’t officially begin for a few more weeks. It seems as if the pace starts to pick up again. Vacations come to an end, students return to school,...
by Abraham Whaley | Sep 2, 2013 | Innovation, Leadership, Practice Marketing, Quality, Social Media
Do you know who Jay-Z is? If not, chances are your kids do. Jay-Z is one of the most successful rap artists of all time, and has parlayed that success into a career in fashion, merchandising, his own line of vodka, as well as an ownership stake in the NBA’s New...
by Abraham Whaley | Aug 13, 2013 | Amazing Customer Service, Day-to-Day Operations, Innovation, Leadership, Practice Marketing
Patient relationship management is about more than just healthcare issues; it’s about building a connection that leaves your patients feeling that you genuinely have their personal interests in mind. We all love to be recognized, and your patients appreciate it when...