by Mary Pat Whaley | Sep 10, 2013 | Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources, Leadership
As we pass Labor Day I find myself thinking about the transition from summer to fall, even though the fall season doesn’t officially begin for a few more weeks. It seems as if the pace starts to pick up again. Vacations come to an end, students return to school,...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Aug 7, 2013 | Amazing Customer Service, Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources, Manage My Practice Classics
Although I originally created this list for medical practices in 2009 and republished it in 2011, I think it still stands true today and applies to all workplace situations. Sometimes employees do not understand or follow the most basic workplace guidelines....
by Abraham Whaley | Apr 14, 2013 | A Career in Practice Management, Amazing Customer Service, Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources, Leadership, Quality
Some organizations will use the terms essential and non-essential workers as a way to distinguish between who needs to be on site in the event of an emergency, and who does not. I do understand the purpose of this distinction, however, it’s very important that...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Feb 26, 2013 | Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources, Leadership
As a consultant, I have been asked to go into many organizations where I have found important projects lingering or causing such stress for a supervisor that they feel paralyzed. No one is happy. Not the leader asking for results or the supervisor who is feeling...
by Abraham Whaley | Feb 18, 2013 | Day-to-Day Operations, General, Human Resources, Leadership, Manage My Practice Classics
One of my favorite books of all time is “Effective Phrases for Performance Appraisals, A Guide to Successful Evaluations” by James E. Neal, Jr. I have purchased many editions of this book through the years and I typically supply a copy of it to everyone...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jan 28, 2013 | Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources, Innovation
Adding an employee to any business takes some serious consideration. Regardless of whether you are replacing someone who left the company or you are adding an entirely new position, adding an employee is a serious commitment. At the point that you are ready to make an...