Global Payments (Global Capitation)

Global payments (global capitation) are fixed payments for which providers are given a pre-specified amount per patient (dependent on demographic data and other considerations) for a time period such as a month or a year. This payment schema places the burden of risk...

Expanded Coverage

A significant goal of the Affordable Care Act is near universal coverage. To accomplish this, a mandate requiring most U.S. citizens and legal residents to have health insurance is included. There are individual regulations that support this initiative by: •   ...

Evidence-Based Medicine

Much of the care delivered today has been simply based on expert opinion. Evidence-Based Medicine’s (EBM)’s charge is to deliver care that has strong scientific validation. Ideally this term refers to the synthesis of individual, first-hand clinical experience with...


According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, e-prescribing is, “a prescriber’s ability to electronically send an accurate, error-free and understandable prescription directly to a pharmacy from the point-of-care.” Studies have demonstrated that replacing...

Employer Mandate/Pay or Play

This Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act mandate requires employers to either offer minimal levels of health insurance coverage to their employees or pay a fine, which in turn will subsidize health insurance for those without access. This part of the health...