by Mary Pat Whaley | Mar 4, 2012 | Collections, Billing & Coding, Electronic Medical Records, Headlines, Medicare & Reimbursement, Medicare This Week, PECOS
(5010) Important Update Regarding HIPAA Version 5010/D.0 Implementation (jump to story) (Affordable Care Act) Statement by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on the Blunt Amendment (jump to story) (PECOS) Were You Sent a Request to Revalidate Your Medicare Enrollment?...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Mar 6, 2011 | Innovation, Learn This: Technology Answers
I’ve had a lot of questions since last week when I offered to help readers “get on the cloud.” Most people want to know – what exactly does getting on the cloud mean? The term cloud comes from both the look of technical drawings which depict...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jan 30, 2011 | Medicare & Reimbursement
There are a number of different audits that are carried out by Medicare-contracted auditors. It’s important to know the differences and have a plan for responding. CERT stands for Comprehensive Error Rate Testing and CERT audits were initiated in 2000. The...