by Mary Pat Whaley | Apr 1, 2012 | Compliance, Day-to-Day Operations, Electronic Medical Records, Headlines, Medicare & Reimbursement, Medicare This Week, PECOS
(PECOS) You Can Now Sign Your Medicare Enrollment Application Electronically (jump to story) (PPACA) New CME Module on CMS Healthcare Delivery Reform Available on Medscape (jump to story) (Release of Information) Authorization to Disclose Information to...
by Abraham Whaley | Nov 3, 2011 | A Career in Practice Management, Collections, Billing & Coding, Day-to-Day Operations, Finance, General, Medicare & Reimbursement
As we finish off another month here at MMP, we wanted to go back over some of our most popular posts from the month and get ready for another busy, productive, and meaningful month. Presenting, The Best of Manage My Practice, October 2011! Are you ready for the...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Nov 9, 2010 | Medicare & Reimbursement
Click here for the 2012 Medicare Part A and Part B Premiums and Deductibles. Medicare Premiums for 2011: Part A: (Hospital Insurance) Premium Most people do not pay a monthly Part A premium because they or a spouse has 40 or more quarters of...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Oct 20, 2010 | Electronic Medical Records, Medicare & Reimbursement
More information on Medicare wellness visits in 2011 can be found here. Information on the 2011 Medicare Part A and Part B deductibles and premiums can be found here. ***************************************************************************** The extensive changes...
by Mary Pat Whaley | May 19, 2010 | Headlines, Medicare & Reimbursement, PECOS
CMS held a two-hour Open Door Forum today and there was so much good information shared that I thought I’d pass my notes from the call along to you. New EFT Form The revised EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) authorization form 588 is available here (pdf.) The old...