by Mary Pat Whaley | Sep 19, 2010 | Medicare & Reimbursement, The Cohen Report (NCCI & RVUs)
From MMP’s friend Frank Cohen: I have completed my analysis of NCCI version 16.3, including an analysis of the changes from the last quarter release (version 16.2) to the current release. Here are my summary findings: Currently, for version 16.3, there are...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Aug 2, 2010 | Medicare & Reimbursement
In the MLN Matters dated July 30, 2010, Change Request (CR) 7080, CMS gives additional instructions on the timely filing rule*: For institutional claims that include span dates of service (i.e., a “From” and “Through” date span on the claim), the “Through” date on...