by Mary Pat Whaley | Apr 23, 2012 | 12 Ways to Supercharge Your Practice, Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources, Leadership
Employees are the most valuable resource in any business. We hear that statement all the time. I believe it. Most managers would say they believe it. But a lot of managers don’t act as if they believe it. If you take it to heart and realize what the extreme cost...
by Abraham Whaley | Nov 2, 2011 | Collections, Billing & Coding, Day-to-Day Operations, Finance, General
After Mary Pat’s “Coding for the Rest of Us” post this July, she sat down with Lyndsey Coates from Nuesoft as part of their monthly Healthcare IT Podcast to discuss more about how even a basic understanding of coding among patient contacting and...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jun 14, 2011 | Amazing Customer Service, Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources
Do your employees “get it”? If not, add this simple form to your tool box. These three concepts – customer service, professionalism, and HIPAA – are the basis for 80% of your everyday performance issues. Tweak the language to fit your...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jan 23, 2011 | Human Resources
Many managers find it difficult to begin performance evaluations in a way that puts the employee at ease and opens the door to dialogue. Do you make small talk or start reading from whatever form you’re using? Do you preface the actual evaluation by setting the...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Feb 9, 2010 | A Career in Practice Management
Read the 2011 update to this article here. You’ve heard that healthcare is one of the few job markets that is still growing in a down economy and you think you might like to be a medical office manager. The question is: how much do medical practice managers...