by Abraham Whaley | Mar 20, 2013 | Electronic Medical Records, Headlines
The HIMSS13 Conference in New Orleans, one of the biggest gatherings of Health Information Technology professionals of the year, was host to speakers, panel discussions, and one pretty large announcement from some of the big names in the electronic health record...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Mar 11, 2013 | Day-to-Day Operations, Headlines
Welcome to our guide to Healthcare Buzzwords! ACO An acronym for “Accountable Care Organization”, an ACO is a model of healthcare delivery in which a group of healthcare providers agree to accept payment for their services based on the aggregated health...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Apr 12, 2009 | Electronic Medical Records, Headlines, Medicare & Reimbursement
ARRA: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also called “The Stimulus Package” or “The Stimulus Bill.” Of the $850B in the bill, $51B is pegged for the health care industry and $19B of that will be used to incent medical practices...