Senate Passes 30-Day Pushback of 21.2% Medicare Payment Cut to Doctors

UPDATE: On June 24, 2010 the House and Senate passed legislation to further delay the Medicare cuts until November 30, 2010. More here.


Late Tuesday night (March 2), the Senate passed a 30-day extension to the delay in the 21.5% Medicare payment cut.  The House passed a similar measure last week.  If the extension is signed by President Obama tomorrow, March 3, Congress will have another 28 or so days to figure this payment thing out and managers can continue to sweat it out.

Stay tuned for possible additional delays: earlier today Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) unveiled a $150 billion jobs bill that would delay the 21% cut in Medicare reimbursements until August.

CMS is not processing claims until March 12 so they can pay the correct amount and not have to make additional payments to providers.  Payments will still reach providers within the 14-day time frame required.

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