Monday Special: Podcasts for Medical Practice Managers

Do you listen to podcasts?  They’re little stories for grownups; small blocks of info that you can listen to while you’re doing almost anything.  I remember story time in elementary school so well.  The classroom lights would be off, and we would put our heads down on our desks.  I remember one nun had the most beautiful reading voice; I would wait all day for storytime.

Podcasts are one way you can feed yourself information or ideas, get continuing education credits, or just relax while someone reads to you.  Some people listen to podcasts as they’re falling asleep, and others listen while they’re exercising.  Even though the podcasts I’m describing here are for professional enlightenment, you can find podcasts on just about any topic you choose.

Here are a few podcast sites for healthcare managers, and one for managers in general.  You can listen by clicking on the website, or if you want to listen away from your computer, you can load it onto your iPod or other MP3 player.

SoundPractice has podcasts abstracted from The Journal of Medical Practice Management (both available from Greenbranch Publishing) as well as interviews with “health leaders and interesting people involved in the American health care system.”

Manager Tools just won Best Business Podcast Award for the third year in a row.  The producers of the podcasts recommend new listeners start with Manager Basics that cover core principles that underly the Manager Tools philosophy.   A comment from the producer was, “…healthcare management is the hardest management job in the world”¦if Manager Tools works there (and it does, say our healthcare clients), it will work anywhere.”

P.S. I checked the MGMA/ACMPE  website to see if continuing education credits are available for podcasts, but it wasn’t clear.  If anyone knows, would you leave a comment and let me know?

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