by Abraham Whaley | Feb 4, 2013 | Day-to-Day Operations, Leadership
I would like you to think about a great boss or mentor you had sometime in your career. What made them great? When I ask this question to seminar participants or during an executive coaching session I get responses such as “Gives me excellent ongoing...
by Abraham Whaley | Jan 30, 2013 | A Career in Practice Management, Amazing Customer Service, Day-to-Day Operations, Leadership, Manage My Practice Classics, Practice Marketing
I have not always been excited to hear patient complaints. As a younger manager I absolutely dreaded when a patient wanted to speak to me. I felt that I had little to offer a patient who expressed anger or frustration with something that had happened and I was very...
by Abraham Whaley | Jan 15, 2013 | Collections, Billing & Coding, Day-to-Day Operations, Headlines, Leadership, Medicare & Reimbursement
Oh, hello #Flu, you’re a little early this year: — Sickweather (@sickweather) October 19, 2012 The tweet above was sent out by a very interesting start up named Sickweather on October 19th of last year. Sickweather analyzes data from Twitter...
by Abraham Whaley | Jan 14, 2013 | A Career in Practice Management, Day-to-Day Operations, Leadership
I have a saying about management that I try and keep front and center in my mind whenever I interact with employees. “There are two things you should never mess with: a person’s paycheck, and a person’s time off.” If you heard a lot of noise...
by Abraham Whaley | Jan 7, 2013 | Compliance, Day-to-Day Operations, Leadership, The Manager's Minute (Video)
With the first full workweek of the new year upon us, it’s a great time to take a look ahead at some of the big dates in 2013. For medical managers, this is the perfect time to look at key dates for the year. If you have a favorite wall or desk calendar (or just...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Dec 31, 2012 | A Career in Practice Management, Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources, Leadership
We can think of no better way to start the New Year than with the words of our friend Bob Cooper. Bob is the voice of sanity in the crazy world of management. We wish all our readers a Happy New Year and look forward to spending 2013 with you! ***** Think about the...