An electronic, cumulative record of health-related information on an individual, drawn from multiple sources, that is created, gathered, and managed by the individual. The integrity of the data in the ePHR and control of access to that data is the responsibility of...


Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.  In 2004 the position was created by by Presidential Executive Order.  In March 2009, President Obama appointed David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P. to the position. The primary purpose of this position...

Meaningful Use

To qualify as a “meaningful user,” eligible providers must demonstrate use of a “qualified EHR” in a “meaningful manner.” ARRA defers to the secretary of Health and Human Services (HSS) to set specific guidelines for determining what constitutes a “qualified EHR”;...

Interoperability (hospitals)

(as defined by HIMSS- Health Information and Management Systems Society) -not yet defined for ambulatory care Must have all ancillary systems online – Lab, radiology, & pharmacy (Stage 1) Must be leveraging a clinical data repository (Stage 2) Utilizing...


The HIT components of the stimulus package ”” collectively labeled HITECH are: Funding to the Office of the National Coordinator of HIT (ONCHIT) HIT adoption incentives through Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement Comparative effectiveness research for the Agency for...