Early Retiree Reinsurance Program

The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) is a temporary $5 billion program established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Its purpose is to help businesses and unions cover the healthcare costs of Medicare-ineligible early retirees, their spouses,...

Disease Management

Disease management programs address the needs of population cohorts affected by chronic illnesses to reduce their medical costs and the deleterious effects of these conditions. A successful effort involves an effective way to identify worthy patients and engage them...

Demonstration Projects

These are federally funded efforts to test and evaluate care delivery, cost reduction, health improvement, and payment reform models. The goal of these projects is to develop new, effective methodologies for care and payment, which can be expanded to a broader,...

Culture of Health

This is an ideological transformation of an organization’s culture that passively accepts rising, unsustainable healthcare costs to a proactive entity that encourages the holistic wellbeing of each of its employees. Such organizations integrate the health status of...