Medical Loss Ratio

This is the fraction of the collected insurance premium revenue dedicated to providing health services and improving the quality of care compared to the total revenue that includes expenditure for business administration, marketing, and profit.

Meaningful Use

The 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) which included funding for Medicare and Medicaid incentives for the ‘Meaningful Use” (MU) of certified electronic...

Integrated Healthcare Delivery System

An integrated delivery system (IDS) is a network of healthcare providers and organizations that provide or arrange to provide a coordinated continuum of services. Services provided by an IDS can include a fully equipped community and/or tertiary hospital, home...

Individual Coverage Market

For people unable to receive health coverage through their employer or the government, the Affordable Care Act legislation will create a competitive marketplace for buying coverage from insurers at the state-specific level.