by Mary Pat Whaley | Oct 19, 2011 | Collections, Billing & Coding, Compliance, Medicare & Reimbursement
NOTE: We have just added an educational webinar on using the ABN form. This is an expanded webinar with 75 minutes of content and 15 minutes of Q & A with the attendees. Click here to go to our webinar page for more information....
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jul 21, 2009 | Day-to-Day Operations, Human Resources
A reader recently posed the question “Should a medical office manager eat lunch with the staff?” This question is more complex than one might originally think, and a lot of psychology actually plays into the answer. Here are some guidelines to help...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jan 26, 2009 | Collections, Billing & Coding, Day-to-Day Operations, Finance
I got the idea for this post from an article titled “18 Financial Terms Every Leader Should Know,” by Dan McCarthy at Great Leadership. I thought it was a great post and created one of my own, borrowing a few good ones from Dan and adding examples for...
by Mary Pat Whaley | Jul 24, 2008 | Human Resources
Here is a VERY succinct performance evaluation that I’ve used for years. Called 5 Questions, the employee completes it, submits it to the manager, then they discuss and refine it together during the evaluation interview. Here are the questions: What goals did you...